Linux is an Operating System, that is not that common for desktop machines, but is among the most commonly used OSs for web servers. It's totally free, so you shall not need to pay any license costs as part of your website hosting payments. Linux is also thought to be the most risk-free OS available and due to the permissions that files have and also the file types that can be run, virus files that may infect a regular personal computer shall simply not be executed on a Linux-based web server. Furthermore, the OS is freeware, so it can be customized without any limitations, so as to suit the requirements of the hosting provider and their customers. This also suggests that unnecessary software packages can be removed to make the OS lighter and quicker, which could directly result in far better hosting server performance. Many Linux machines have the Apache web server installed on them, since this application is also totally free, fast and stable. It's the most widely used web server out there and is a part of the LAMP bundle that lots of script applications, including Joomla and WordPress, require. LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Stable Linux with Apache in Shared Hosting

All shared hosting accounts acquired through us are set up on powerful servers running Linux, so you can take full advantage of our speedy and secure web hosting services regardless of the plan that you’ve selected during the signup procedure. In addition, we use an advanced cloud platform, so instead of running everything on a single server like most providers do, we've distributed each and every service (files, e-mails, databases, etc.) between groups of servers. The results of using this sort of a setup with Linux-powered servers is essentially no downtime, allowing you to get the maximum out of your Internet sites. Also, we use the Apache web server, as this piece of software offers us the swiftness and versatility required to give you a premium web hosting service on our customized cloud platform. Any of our shared hosting plans will enable you to run almost any sort of site created with almost any web programming language – HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Perl, etc.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers

We have chosen to use Linux on our machines also, given that no other Operating System can match its overall flexibility and without it, we wouldn't have had the opportunity to produce our custom hosting platform in which all semi-dedicated server accounts are created. The platform consists of big groups of machines, each one dealing with a certain part of the hosting service - databases, e-mails, files, the Control Panel, and so forth. The consequence of mixing this custom setup with Linux is a really stable, secure and fast service with basically no downtime. Furthermore, the web access is handled by Apache, due to the fact that it's exceptionally customizable and supports a whole lot of modules and web programming languages which include PHP, Perl, Python, HTML, etcetera. Our semi-dedicated server plans will offer you all the speed and security that you want for your Internet sites and we have made a lot of software improvements to make sure that we shall meet our uptime guarantee.