Occasionally you might need to block certain third parties from accessing your websites. There are plenty of automatic bots which crawl the Internet, for instance, and produce fake visits and website traffic. There are also spammers who leave links to suspicious Internet sites as comments to blog articles. This sort of things could considerably undermine your hard work, as nobody likes to visit a website with countless fake comments, furthermore the increased traffic from both spammers and bots may create high load on the web server where your website is hosted, which could result in the site not working correctly. One of the best solutions in this case is to block the IPs that generate the fake traffic, in order to make certain that the visits to your Internet site are authentic.

IP Blocking in Shared Hosting

Our IP Blocking tool is included with the ground breaking Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with all shared hosting accounts. It'll allow you to block addresses with only a couple of mouse clicks. No coding abilities are needed, because you shall use an intuitive interface - you just have to choose a domain or a subdomain from a drop-down menu and input the IP address that you would like to be blocked. You shall be able to see all the IP addresses you have added within the very same section and whitelisting each of them shall take just a click. If you notice that your Internet site is being flooded by different IPs, you shall be able to block a whole IP range too. This can be performed by omitting the last number of the address. For example, if you wish to block all 254 addresses from to, you simply have to enter 1.1.1. and leave the last spot blank .

IP Blocking in Semi-dedicated Servers

You shall be able to block IP addresses with ease and stop the unwanted traffic to any website hosted within a semi-dedicated server account with us, because we offer a rather easy-to-use tool to do that, which is our Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Even if you have never tackled this type of matters in the past, you shall not have any difficulties, because our tool features a very user-friendly interface. As you visit the IP blocking section of the Control Panel, you'll find a complete list of all the domains and subdomains that you've added inside the Hosted Domains section. What you need to do to block an IP address is select the desired domain or subdomain from a drop-down menu and type in the IP in the box below. The change will take effect at once, so you'll not get any traffic from this address in the future. Removing an IP from the blocked list is just as uncomplicated.