Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Hosting
Our shared hosting plans include an integrated support ticket system, which is an essential part of our in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In contrast with other comparable tools, Hepsia permits you to manage everything associated with the web hosting service itself in one place – invoices, files, e-mails, support tickets, etc., eliminating the necessity to go through different admin interfaces. If you’ve got any technical or pre-sales questions or any problems, you can submit a ticket with just a few mouse clicks without ever leaving your Control Panel. In the meantime, you can pick a category and our system will offer you a variety of educative articles, which will give you more info and which may help you fix any specific problem before you actually send a ticket. We guarantee a support ticket response time of maximum 1 hour, even if it’s a weekend or a national holiday.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you’ve opened a semi-dedicated server account with us and you’d like to contact our tech support team, you will be able to send a support ticket directly from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel instead of using a totally different technical support platform like you’ll need to do with the majority of hosting companies out there. Our integrated trouble ticket system will enable you to post a new ticket without any hassle and to look through older tickets using a clever search filter. Also, you’ll be able to check the relevant knowledge base articles that our system will present you with depending on the problem category that you pick for your new ticket. You can do all the abovementioned operations without signing out of your Control Panel at any time, which suggests that in case you run into any difficulty or have a query, you can touch base with our support engineers and fix the given problem in less than an hour using a single platform.